Friday, February 16, 2007

Jeffrey and Misty (hard at work)

Jeffrey is always working hard for Kurtz Chiropractic. Misty is calling people to remind them of their appointment. I really appreciate their hard work.


One of Dr. Kurtz' patient, Sheryl, is enjoying the relaxation on the water bed. This type of therapy is very important to help with her recovery. The low voltage stimulation vibrates while the water bed is in motion. This is the most relaxing 7 - 10 minutes you will ever have.


Meet Christy another employee at Kurtz Chiropractic. She is very energetic and ready to serve your needs.

Thursday, February 15, 2007


Meet Misty the office manager. When you walk in and Misty greets you - she always has a smile.

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

I will have a future post on, WHY IT IS IMPORTANT FOR CHILDREN TO GO TO A CHIROPRACTOR. You would not think it would be beneficial for a child but it is as important for children to go as it is for adults.
Dr. Kurtz has a drawing once a month where one of his patience will receive a gift. It may be a basket or something like a pillow. The lady above won the pillow and boy was she excited.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

Keisha and the DRX9000

When I first started going to Dr. Kurtz this is the first piece of equipment I was introduced to and boy did it help. The DRX9000 is one of its kind. Keisha knows just what to do.

Friday, February 2, 2007


Here I am sitting in the adjustment room with my camera in my hand. I am thinking Dr. Kurtz is going to come through that door and say "Good morning Mrs. May" as he usually does. What a great picture to just catch someone off guard. He was a trooper and the picture actually turned out good. Dr. Kurtz is always happy to see his patients and he lets you know with that big smile of his. His staff supports him which makes his job alot easier. Oh, and did you notice at the door is another headless dinosaur. I think you really should make an appointment so he can explain what that is. As his staff always says when I walk out.............."HAVE A GREAT DAY"!!!!!


This is some of the weight room equipment and the exercise balls. The weights are on the back wall. As you enter the weight room you will hear music and then the cling of weights. That is part of the recovery to exercise and stretch out your muscles. Just another added benefit that Kurtz Chiropractic has. i guess you could say it is a one stop shop.